Monday, December 9, 2013

Zombie Survival guide

Sharayah Martinez
Block 2

Don’t Get Zombifyed
Do you think you can survive a zombie apocalypse? Do you think you have the right supplies needed? There are many things that are required to know before facing a zombie head-on. When a zombie is hungry, is doesn’t stop until it gets food. There are three way to protect yourself: Basic survival skills, home defense, and zombie skills.
To survive you need to know some basic survival skills. First is to know your zombies. “There are  the natural zombies which is infected by poison, supernatural zombies which are possessed by a demon, and alien zombies which are like modern day zombies” (Hambling). A person should conserve as much non-perishable foods such as canned foods. A person should have a supply of water. A human can go 30 days without food and two days without water.  The main concern is water; anyone can wait a couple days for food.  Food and water supply is just as important as staying clear from the infected individuals. People can not only die from a zombie bite but also from dehydration and starvation. Everyone should find shelter/ security. Finding a secure place to sleep and be worry free is going to be reliving. Without sleep there is no energy fueling the body to move. One can clearly deduce that you need food, water, and shelter as much as you need weapons.
As much as you need to prepare yourself, you also need to prepare your home. Many suggest that you stay home and fight. You don’t have to leave your home for survival. According to Max Brooks, “A good 10 ft. cinder-block wall, reinforced with steel rods and filled with concrete, is the safest barrier in both class 1 and class 2 outbreaks” (Brooks, 68).  “In a class 3 outbreak, enough zombies can, and will, climb on top of each other until they form an undead ramp right over your wall” (Brooks, 68). Steel security bars on windows can protect against an attack for a short amount of time. To keep your home safe is to patrol around your wall and kill off any zombies in your area. Also make modification to your home just in-case if zombies break into your wall. For example you can barricade windows and make escape plan routes for you and your family. Having a first aid kit is also a good idea. Therefore you can have you homes ready, but if zombies do get into your home, use you emergency zombie skills.
A gun, baseball bat or any kind of weapon can be helpful in an apocalypse. According to Voytek, “Believe it or not, the guide to surviving the zombie apocalypse is actually derived from real neuroscience”(5). The infection spreads to their brain causing CDHD (consciousness deficit hypoactive disorders). “CDHD is characterized by “the loss of rational, voluntary and conscious behavior replaced by delusional/impulsive aggression, stimulus-driven attention, the inability to coordinate motor-linguistics and an appetite for human flesh”(Voytek,11). A way to escape a zombie horde is to mimic them. They have a defect called Misconceptions. They will not attack you. Another way is to simply run. Zombies have poor motor skills for running fast. Zombies move very slow and give someone time to make a getaway. Zombies also have amnesia. If you run and hide somewhere the zombie will eventually forget where you are and leave. As one can see there is more than one way to survive and escape a zombie attack.
 Another goal is to find and conserve weapons and ammunition. According to Brooks, “ must travel light to maintain mobility…”(70). If you are to carry weapons, use light weight weapons such as: Handguns, knives, etc.  A suggestion on what every home should have are the following: Rifle, shotgun, pistol, silencer, heavy cross bow, telescopic sight, night- vision scope, laser sight, katana sword, wakizashi, two knives, and a hand hatchet. Also consider what equipment is necessary for your maintenance and perhaps survival. Such as normal house hold appliances that can make a difference between life and death.
Using some regular house hold appliances can help make an emergency kit. Khan suggests that, “water, food, medications, tools/supply, sanitation, hygiene, clothing/bedding, important documents, and first aid supplies” (2). Making an emergency plan between you and your family is another good idea. Making escape routes and meeting places for you and your family. “You should pick two meeting places, one close to your home and farther away” (Khan, 2). CDC (control disease center) is here to assist Americans. CDC is willing to provide technical assistance to cities, states, or international partners dealing with a outbreak. Stock up supply’s and put them aside in an emergency kit incase if needed.

There are several more ways to keep yourself and family safe. Basic survival techniques keep you alive by conserving non-perishable foods and water bottles, having a secure home, and a smart brain. Anyone can find food. It may be a little harder to find water and plumbing but it’s possible. Last but not least anyone can outsmart a zombie. The main goal is to try to survive until the CDC (Control Disease Control) comes to help desist the infection from spreading anymore. Make plans with family and emergency kits in case of an emergency such as one like this. Keep the kit near because you never know when the apocalypse can start.

Works Cited
Brooks, Max. The Zombie Survival Guide. New York. Three Rivers Press, 2013. Print.
Hambling David. How To Survive A Zombie Apocalypse. Wired. Apr.2008. Print.
Khan, Ali. Preparedness 101: Zombie Apocalypse. CDC. 16 May 2011. Web. 3 Dec. 2013.
Voytek. The Science Of Surviving The Zombie Apocalypse. Wired. June 30,2011. Print.

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